Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Playing around at Walden Pond in December, really!
Me with Mom and Archie in Virginia!
Love you mum!

Nana's book that she self-published.
You can all buy it at

Baby Robby in Arizona . . . cousin to Alex, Sam & Cal
Nephew to Kerry and Brad

What a Cutie!

Tania, Steve, Brad, Me & Grandma Ann
The Lincoln Memorial on President's Day, 2007

Silly Sam with glasses at Mom's in Virginia & Brad posing with a smile in MD!

Brad eating a sandwich 1 block away from the Lincoln Memorial & The Mall
Jake, Cal, Alex, Ryan and Sam eating popsicles after sledding and building snow forts at Grandma Ann's!

Our friends Tania and Steve joined us for the road trip. Here's Brad and Steve up late one night playing POKER!

The monsters eating dinner at Grandma Ann's in Maryland