Sunday, November 18, 2007

I did it myself!
Albert Einstein!
Alex dressed up as him for Halloween!

San Francisco - LEGO STYLE

Sam in his element . . . busy building at the LEGO Center!

Hmmmm -
who's having the most fun here????????

The Highlight of "their" trip . . .
we keep trying to remind them that this is our vacation and that they're just coming along for the ride! : )

A rose in the courtyard of St. Luis Obisbo Mission.

The San Francisco Bay Bridge & Alkatraz in the background!
These campgrounds ROCK!
Hot tubs, petting zoo, horseback riding,
kick-butt playgrounds
hiking & kayaking too ...

Feeding horses at the KOA Campground
This Is IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I sleep like a tired man who has hiked the hills of San Francisco.
Trolley Ride Home

Ice Cream for Dessert!

Fisherman's Wharf

Sam the Man, beside his dream ride

Brad took this one . . . it works for him!
Calvin spreads his Pre-K Message
throughout Chinatown

The infamous LOMBARD STREET in San Fran.
Next, Alex attempts to go "pro" by skateboard.

The Golden Gate Bridge
windshield view

Tickles on the tummy with Auntie Nancy

Feeding the baby goats at the KOA in Petaluma, CA
Walking to the park beside Nancy's house . . . .

Hot Tub Time at Nancy's in Gilroy
Our "room" in the RV . . .

Climbin' up top . . . naptime anyone?
Breakfast in the RV

Calvin was our official "Otter Spotter"!

Boat Cruise through Moss Landing . . . . we saw sea lions, otters, pelicans, seals, loon, and more!

Soggy Alex thought he could outrun a wave!

Sandy Sam Man!!!!!

Windy Day on Monterey Bay