Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hi it's me, Sam! Check out my favorite
game called
Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe II
It is so COOL!!!

Calvin having lunch with Bubba

Big Smiles
Marblehead Harbor
May 2008
Hangin' Out in
Grandpa Tom & Nana Leigh's

My Wild Child . . . oh to be 5 again!

What are those girls
giggling about
in the background?!!

Grammy & Lauren at Cal's party

Our Visit to DC comes to an end . . . .

Big Hugs to

Great Grandma Ann

Alex's First Concert!

YIKES . . . that was one SUNNY Day!

Old Pals . . .

Someone's not tired ~

. . . . BeDtImE . . .

Look at what Colleen made!!!

Happy Birthday Brad

Alex, Ryan, Sam, Cal & Jake in DC!!!!

The boys at the Maryland Horticultural Center
February 2008

Me, Mom & Rob at Laudhome Farm in Maine

Mom and Archie

Mom with Rob at his wedding.

Mum & Me at Rob's Wedding. We miss her lots. More than words can say . . .